Smoke That Thunders is a selection of premium cannabis chosen from the strains offered by our parent company, THC BioMed. These strains are bred for higher THC levels (20+%), as well as a higher price to reflect the increased potency. If you’re looking for great cannabis at a near-impossible to beat price, visit THC BioMed’s website for more information on their classic strains.

General FAQ

  • All our cannabis is grown indoors at facilities in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia.

  • We’re passionate about growing all our strains organically, with the purest of nutrients and without the use of pesticides or other exogenous chemicals. Our bud is hand picked, hand grown, and hand tended.

  • We are a publicly traded company on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the symbol THC. Go to and look at our “Investors” tab for more information

Products/Retail FAQ:

    • There’s a few things to consider when choosing a strain:

    • Flavor and aroma. A strain’s terpene profile can produce subtle or intense flavors and aromas

    • Desired effects, such as a head high vs. a body high

    • Potency (how strong an effect the strain has on the user)

    • Growing method (Don’t worry, all our cannabis is grown using organic methods and tended to by hand)

    • Budget. We love this one, as we offer some of the best cannabis at some of the best prices!

  • Yes, we love using organic growing methods here at THC BioMed. Our plants are grown in soil as it yields significant benefits for the plant, we want to ensure that our plants grow in an environment that simulates a natural growing environment.

    Our soil is never recycled as we want each plant to achieve optimal growth and health. Our team of growers are committed to ensuring that our product is grown organically without the use of pesticides and exogenous chemicals. Countless years have gone into researching the best cultivation methods and our quality assurance team meets and exceeds our high standards along the way, as well as the strict guidelines set by Health Canada.

  • All our packaging materials are 100% recyclable. These include bottles, bags, plastic containers, and lids BUT remember to take the labels off the packaging when recycling.